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גוגל משדרגת את השעונים

פרסומת חיצוני

Twitter allows you to send private messages to any user, and Toshiba operates a humanoid robot that will serve its customers.


Clocks are expected this week when Apple Watch the first to reach customers, Google introduced  a major update to the operating system Android Wear  smart operator watches from Motorola, LG and Asus. The system supports Wi-Fi networks, which will enable the clock to connect the phone to the ranges in which Bluetooth connection is irrelevant. One day it will be possible to leave the phone at home.

Other innovations are motion gestures for operating the touch screen instead of the menu, and operation of one-touch simple applications – a direct response to Apple’s clock. According to  credible reports enough , the next big move will be Google’s field devices iPhone app will also allow them to connect to the Android-based clocks.

Twitter also want Messenger


The social network Twitter allows its users has long been send private messages to each other, but so far this option was limited to people who follow your feeds (equivalent of Twitter concept comrades “of Facebook, if you will). Now,  Twitter offers you open the box your messages to people you do not know , and thus make it in practice Messenger compliant another.

Currently this is not the default network, and users are still blocked from sending messages that do not follow them unless you chose otherwise. The mere fact that Twitter has chosen to call this change security settings Enhance “of the network makes us think that this policy may change later another benefit to users.

Toshiba Introduces Robot Customer Service


Japan, the land of opportunity crackpot ideas still only see science fiction movies in other places they’ve finished product makes its way to stores. Such is Aiko Tz’ihirh,  customer service robot manufactured by Toshiba  will greet visitors at department stores in Tokyo. Bot bless the incoming customers and tell them with a smile on various departments in the store and how convenient and fastest way to reach them.

The first version of Tz’ihirh is very interactive and answer detailed questions. On the other hand, is able to speak the language to spot the signs if necessary. Again, go back to the main point: this is not an artistic exhibit strange or unique technological experiment, but the product from every store can purchase and install (for a fee that is not necessarily higher than that of full-time employee). Just like that. Customer service robot.

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I think long-term, customer service robot will be a cheap substitute for manpower, but do not forget that most of us, who need customer service, prefer to talk to a human being who can answer us on

Most questions, and give us a smile occasionally.

What do you think ??

פרסומת חיצוני

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